“Wilt u alstublieft mijn gasten zijn?” (Gn 18,3)

Levensbeschouwelijke diversiteit in de katholieke dialoogschool en in het vak rooms-katholieke godsdienst


  • Jeroen Hendrickx KU Leuven




Over the past decades, Flemish society has evolved from a homogeneous Christian to a post-secular and post-Christian society, characterised by (non-)religious diversity. The growing presence of Islam is probably the most visible example of this evolution. Because the number of Muslim students in Catholic schools, as in state schools, has increased over the past decades, important (pedagogical) questions come to the fore. How can Catholic schools deal with increasing diversity in society, and with the presence of Islam in particular? How can Catholic schools as well as the school subject of Catholic religious education, without giving up their Catholic identity, be hospitable places for staff and pupils from other (non-)religious backgrounds, such as Muslims? The Catholic Dialogue School project and the updated curriculum of Catholic religious education try to formulate an answer to these questions by entering into dialogue with others from the perspective of their Catholic commitment. Respect for identity, the courage to accept and to respect differences, and adopting a hospitable attitude are key words in this endeavour. Both projects, however, are not self-evident, but require a large dose of vigour and creativity, to which everyone can contribute from one’s own (non-)religious commitment. In times of growing polarisation, tension and conflict, the willingness of all involved – Christians, Muslims, atheists... – to open up to a diversity of worldviews and show the will to enter into dialogue with the other in a hospitable manner, is the only way towards a peaceful and tolerant society.

Biografie auteur

  • Jeroen Hendrickx, KU Leuven

    Jeroen Hendrickx studeerde geschiedenis (Universiteit Antwerpen) en theologie (KU Leuven), waarna hij gedurende tien jaar actief was als leerkracht rooms-katholieke godsdienst in het secundair onderwijs. Momenteel is hij als doctoraatsonderzoeker verbonden aan de Faculteit Theologie en Religiewetenschappen (KU Leuven), waar hij werkt aan een project over het professionele zelfverstaan van de leerkracht rooms- katholieke godsdienst als ‘geëngageerde getuige’.





Hendrickx, J. (2022). “Wilt u alstublieft mijn gasten zijn?” (Gn 18,3): Levensbeschouwelijke diversiteit in de katholieke dialoogschool en in het vak rooms-katholieke godsdienst. Religie & Samenleving, 17(3), 227-249. https://doi.org/10.54195/RS.13314